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Dr. Tri Hoang grew up in Houston most of his life. His inspiration to becoming a dentist came from an early age when he first received dental work. Graduated from University of Texas Dental School in Houston in 2000, he first worked for his brother and sister who are also dentists in Houston. What does Dr. Hoang love about his job? Everyday he discovers the best part about his job is caring for his patients' health, physically and mentally. He loves enhancing his patients' appearance and confidence. The relationships he builds along the way are also an added plus. He loves hearing stories about school and families from his little patients to daring jokes from his older patients. The laughters keep him young.

Outside the office, Dr. Hoang enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, Truc and Jean, at martial arts classes. His interest in martial arts promotes his commitment to eating healthy and regular exercise. He also volunteers at the martial arts school to help kids perform for nonprofit shows around the Houston area. Connecting to his profession's creative mind and hands, Dr. Hoang finds himself enhancing or making clothes and props for Jean as a hobby, gaining positive reputation among friends and community.